September, the 'prepping' month?

 It seems September is the preparatory month for a lot of things. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Inktober, Nanowrimo...
 Yes, it would seem that even all the way back here in the grand ol' month of September (known to me now as either second August or first October depending on the weather) we've got people prepping for all these things that are coming up–and I'm one of them!

 Halloween: yeah I kinda like to prep for this early, because ooooooh boy do I love making costumes and dressing up! That's about it, I don't always have a ton of fun trick-or-treating, but the costumes are by far my favorite part. Doubly so if I get to dress up with friends and we don't even do that much, we just kinda hang out while going down one or two streets and that's it.

 Thanksgiving: I bet you that some people are already planning their Thanksgiving plans. (I am not one of them, but I bet they're out there. *not-quite-ominous music plays*)

 Inktober: The newly released and official list for Inktober was released earlier this month, and I'm excited for what's coming! I haven't decided yet if I'm going to be following all of the prompts or not, or just seeing how far I can bend those prompts into something really odd and not what one would first expect from the word prompt.

 NaNoWriMo: ah, we've reached the behemonth. (Or behemoth, but it's a full month, so I'm standing by my behemonth.)  I tend to not go into this with much of plan... at all....... if I even have a plan which I usually don't. But this year I really want to get all of those 50k words done, because: 1) I've only done it once.  2) Oh boy it is so satisfying to see that purple bar  ^-^  3) also it'd be cool to actually "win" again.  So that means probably having a plan of some sort this year.

 So yeah, September is full of prep for all of these, and probably more that I'm not aware of or remembering.
 Are you already on the track of prepping for one or more of these? (I probably should get going on NaNoWriMo planning, no joke. That stuff is hard for me.)


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