Outside my window

 Right outside my window, it a group of tall and slender trees, they sway with the wind that blows by almost daily this spring. Today I saw the reason I have had a Cardinal flying back and forth almost every time I sit down at my desk. There is a nest.
 She comes and goes every now and then, but today is the first day that I have seen the nest. I'm excited for when the birds will hatch, because to have a life like that right outside your window... it's beautiful!

 Outside my window, perching so fondly,
 a little bird visits me daily.
 So pretty with her beak of orange,
 her feathers of a soft brown.
 A cardinal sits between the branches of my tree,
 and with her, her nest will be.
 There with here, her young will soon join.
 And presently, the lives of those new birds will join us.
 So small and frail, yet stronger at times than I.
 They will be willing to take that leap one day,
 to fly from that tree they will know as home,
 to fly onwards,
 and on towards their own new lives.
 And in some ways,
 they are braver than I.

- Mae


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