Who are we?

 Some might call it re-inventing themselves, others say they're justing finding out who they really are. To be true, I'm not so sure that either of those statements are actually wrong. It all depends on what it is you wish to accomplish.
 To re-invent yourself means to purposefully change your self in a manner that you otherwise normally wouldn't do. To change things in a deliberate and meaningful manner.
 To find yourself, is to try and explore things until one of them seems right. And to keep on doing that again and again until it seems impossible to find anything more you than you already have.

 But do we really need to do that? Do we really need to?

 Probably not. But we do it anyway. Why, you ask? Well because of this, we're human. We wish to know who we are, we want to know what is it that we're capable of accomplishing even if it's just finding who we are and who we're meant to be.
 But for more it is only a hollow pursuit.
 For most it is only superficial.
 For nearly all, it is only temporary.
 I am one of those.

 I have "tried" both.
Only one this has ever shown me who it is I am, and who I maybe one day will be. That's God.
Okay, so that sounds cliché. Half the things you hear now sound cliché because people don't know what else to say, that's a fact.
 So think of what to say. Think about your words and the power that you have to say, more than just a simple, "Well, that's life."
 It's not, "just life." It's rarely "just life." I know.
 Life itself is not an entity, life is a thing that to this day is impossible to fully define. There are things that live, and there are things that die, but what is life? There is no simple single definition for the massive amount of things that surround what any given person might say that life "is".
 But it's not pointless. It's never without reason. Life has value, anything living has a value to someone. That someone, is God.
 God is the reason we live. He's also the reason we have value, because He values us.

 I have sought many many many times, and days, hours, pouring over books and websites, looking and learning what I can about what it might be to find out "who I am."
 Who I am? Seriously!?
 As if I didn't already know.
Turns out I didn't.

 Anyone who knows themselves can only know one thing of pure certainty. That's knowing God.
People change. Their preferences, habits, choices, styles, vocabulary, opinions, style, size, appearance, looks, scent, everything about everybody changes at one point or another. But God never does.
 To be confident in who you are, you must first be confident in who you are in God.
 I know I'm not perfect, I never will be absolutely perfect, because I am not God. I never will be, and I thank Him that I'm not, because I'd be awful at it.
 But no, we're not perfect, but we're loved. We're not without faults, but we're loved by the One who has none.
 I am not always confident in my own abilities, that's why I put my trust in the One who can do all things.
 Because if He's the one who's holding to me, than I've got nothing to worry about.
 I might be nervous, anxious, afraid, or even angry. And He'll still love me. Because He is perfect love, and with that love, I am made whole.
 And it doesn't matter who I am, so long as I am in Him.
 Because if I am in Him, than there is no better place to be.
In Him, I am who I am meant to be.


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