Small things, lead to larger things

 My hands smell like paint. My heart is beating faithfully, and the music in my ears––is building steadily.

 While life might throw things at us every single day, you do have to look for the good things in life that are able to bring joy in such simple ways.

 My hands smell of paint and soap. The room is dusty, but the books are full. The music is raging, and the love is pouring.

 I might not always be able to see you, my friends. But do know this––you bring with you a joy that can reach into my heart. When I am sad, you cheer me up. When I mourn, you cry with me. When I laugh, you laugh with me.

 Most importantly, when I praise our King and Savior, you praise with me.

 And I feel blessed to have such friends as you.

I pray the Lord will bless you as much as He has blessed me.

Love, and hugs,



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