Homemade Granola

 So despite the fact that I am supposed to be going gluten-free in my diet, over the past short while my family and I have been trying to get down to the actual root of what it is that messes me up. At the moment, the contenders are; white and other highly processed flours, corn and most corn products, and milk. Now, while I could go on a long talk about the differences between gluten intolerance and wheat intolerance, lactose intolerance versus lactose sensitivities, I won't, because this is a recipe.

 Now, because I've already had to explore options out in the gluten-free and dairy-free range, I can tell you right now––many things in those two categories taste awful. But, when you look at alternative foods to eat, then you're talking!
 I made granola (with a good amount of help, because I'm not very kitchen savvy yet) to try to have as an alternative to regular cereals or toast for breakfast. (Rice cereals are still on the menu however) And so far, the results have been good cause-and-effect wise, as well as taste!

 Here's what we did for the homemade granola, that I like to eat with vanilla yogurt, or just by itself because I think it tastes amazing.


4 cups of rolled oats
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1 tsp-ish of cinnamon
1/2 cup of unrefined coconut oil
2 tbsp water

*if you are 100% or majorly gluten-intolerant I do not recommend this, as oats have their own type of gluten. Please consult an adult and/or doctor on the matter.

Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl, then add in liquids and stir to desired amount of stir-y-nesss. Note: less stirring results in larger clumps and bunches of granola.

Spread onto a lightly buttered or greased cookie sheet, and bake at 300 degrees with speed-bake on (Or not, but FIY I used speed bake and I don't know how long it would take without). Bake for 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes to keep it from sticking. Then, set out to cool, or eat warm. It should keep for about 2 weeks in an airtight container I've been told. But I highly doubt mine will ever last that long.

I hope you enjoy making and eating it! God Bless.


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