Oh my lovely characters...

How I torture you so. Seriously. Look at this list of things that this character has going against him MENTALLY.

  • Multiple personality disorder
  • PTSD
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
Seriously, as if he didn't already have enough on his plate. Oh, how about this one, for PHYSICAL problems.

  • Insomnia
  • Malnutrition
  • Vitamin D deficiancy
  • Possibly a form of osteoporosis

 Don't forget the Marie-Antoinette Syndrome.

 Oh yeah we wouldn't want to forget that. So mental problems, physical-internal problems, and then physical-external issues. This guy's a riot of rampaging rhinos of stress and probably blood issues. 

 Don't forget the br-

 Dude, spoilers! 

So yeah, what are your characters suffering from? This guy's one of the specials in that he might live till the end of the series. (And if you think you're mean to your characters, sometimes you're not. Not in comparison to other writers--look at my list for this guy... and he's one of the guys that might just possibly live.)


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