Nobody's normal

I'm starting to think I'll never get to those 9 drafted blog posts. But every time I open up my blog to write, none of them come out at me to say, "Me! Finish me!"
But I think that's okay. Because you know what, I'm not normal.
I don't think anyone is ever what the "civilized" world would call, normal. Not when you reach down to who they really are.
No one I have met, has ever qualified to be "normal." We all have weird passions and strangely timed hobbies. Some of us have jobs while others don't, but that's not what makes a person "normal."
Normal is a label given to people from other people who feel that someone has done a good job at being a social and successful human being.
News Flash: Normal doesn't equal life.
You have a job, that's great! Or not, maybe you don't like it. I have a part time job of sorts, great, you make money, hopefully.
You don't have a job, depending on situation, that might be great, or not, but is this normal?
Both of these are considered "normal." But when you think about it, it's a title, have a job is saying you work, but what you might do for that work might not be "normal."
For a short time I was a commissioned artist, not uncommon for artists, but it seems to the rest of the world that if you don't use art to make money than why are you making art? Well, news flash dummies: just because someone can make art, of any medium, doesn't mean they want to sell it. I will make art as gifts a majority of the time, much of it is for myself, because I love art and I love to see it, and it's hard to buy art that I enjoy and would be willing to display in my house. I am good friends with many artists, and I don't think any of us are what would be considered "normal" artists. True, we love to make pieces for other people, but as far I know so far, the end goal for us has never been money. It certainly never was for me. Over the years I have refused offer after offer of potential ways to make money with my art, because of one simple thing--money.
I refused to do things with my art, not because I wouldn't be getting money; but because I was afraid of it.
I am still in a sense, afraid of money. I have been terrified for years on end that if I ended up making a lot of money, that I would end up corrupt, like so many other hundreds of people that have been changed because of money, and it is for that reason that I have refused to find ways to make money.
Every story for several years that I heard, always seemed to end the same way--money corrupting a good person, or making a bad person worse.
Skimping on building something right to save money, only to be given the thing they built as a reward for their "hard" work, when in reality they know they skimped, and now see the price they are now paying.
I was afraid of money for years because I was afraid of becoming corrupted like so much of the world when money becomes involved.
I've made a choice, and now I'm electing to change it.
I am no longer a fear of money, because I refuse to work for it. It will work for me, and that. is. that.
Not only am I going to make sure it works for me, but I am going to also talk to those around me, and make sure that if anything happens or anything changes, that they will keep me in line if I start to get out of it.
This mindset started for me several years ago, between me and my siblings, were we collectively agreed to keep each other in line, and to call the other out when we weren't holding up our part of the load when it comes to things between siblings. We all knew at that point that it meant that the others would have to be harsh at times to the other, depending on the situation, but we have become determined not to let the other falter from our shared agreement to help each other, and to keep each other in line.
We've all depended on each other so much over the years, that the more we're all branching out into our lives, the harder we're trying to hold on and to grasp hold of each other, and keep that bond tight and to uphold our bargain.
Part of that agreement was to help the others when they needed it, to stand up for the others when they needed it, to stand by the others always, and to let the other one know when they were being a complete idiot. (Yes, we are that way because we're human, and honestly sometimes we can just be plain stupid. What else would you expect?)
All this to say, I hold onto those around me, so that they can keep me in line when I can't keep myself in line. And that when I'm in line, I'll be sure that the work I do stays straight to my values and my goals. And that when those are pointed true to what I plan and need to do, then I will be doing everything to the best of my ability, to be true and to spread the Glory of God, wherever it may be.
I write. I draw. I laugh. I dance. I sing (albeit I've been told more recently it's out of key, but I don't care). I love. I care. I cry. I hurt. I live. I survive. But most of all, I believe that God has a plan for me, and that I should follow it to all that I can give it. Even though right now, I'm not sure what that is, but all I know to do right now, is to keep doing what I'm doing and to do it to the very best that I can.
 And so I shall.


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