Because I'm a mature and respondible adult...

 Or at least I will be in a little under a year now! Till then I'm not going to really push it!
 :D That being said. I did something very childlike today, mainly because it's snowing, and it's super perfect for making snowballs--I was also the only one wearing gloves. So like any mature sibling would, I pelted my brother with as many as I could make till he started making snowballs without gloves. I still managed to nail him a couple times! :) And promptly ran back inside because it was cold and proceeded to make hot chocolate like any intelligent human being in my family would.
 (Though I did add cinnamon to my cup, my siblings are gonna just have to deal unless they find the cinnamon... it took me a little bit and I'm the one that helped rearrange all the spices O.o)
 As it is currently, I told them about ten minutes ago the cocoa was ready and they still haven't gotten any -_- can't blame me if it gets cold. Can only heat up milk so many times before it gets weird.
 Well, off to writing! It is after all, kind of what I was avoiding when I ran outside. I did write at least two sentences before I did though! I'm rather glad I went outside, because now I highly doubt I'll want to go back out until I need to, so the running around outside bug has been calmed for now. Till next time!


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