
So ordinarily I wouldn't be writing another new blog post while I have about 8 unfinished and still drafts, but this one seemed like a relatively easy way to get back into the swing of things! Plus, the questions are rather fun!

My friend Bronze, over at The Rambling Line has tagged anyone who has read her latest post to answer these questions. And although I've done these kind of things before, and although I might not give totally interesting answers, I love to do them anyway ^.^

 1. If you were tossed into a fictional world, which world would you want it to be? (In other words, which would you have the best chance at surviving?)

 Hm. Probably Narnia for a first choice, I have no doubt I would survive there. Plus I have no doubt that one day I will truly get there!

 2. If you could take three people with you to that world, who would you take?

 Ooh. That's hard actually, and not because of anything weird, just because there's so many people I would love to take with me. I would take Bronze with me for sure. She'd survive in a woodland far easier than me, and knows a whole lot more about the outdoors especially! Then second... possibly my closest in age brother, who's got a vast knowledge of strange things that would come in handy. Thirdly..  gosh, this is hard! Can't I just take all of my cousins?

 3. If a stranger suddenly struck out at you and attacked you, would you actually have the courage to fight back? Even if you had that courage, would you actually be able to bring yourself to harm a living being? Would you have the grit to poke them in their eyes? And even if you had the sand to do so, would you be at all successful?

 If they struck first, I would undoubtedly true to my personality try to hit them back. I have a very different mentality towards people and living creatures than others, main thing probably being survival. I've survived through a lot and I'm not about to stop now. Would I be successful? That's the key thing isn't it? I'm a very slight build for a person, granted I do have a bit of a speed advantage at times, and a bit of a sneaky mind when it comes to not always refraining from using tricks, I have no physical strength to really speak of. If I got in a key blow, I might do some damage but as far as brute force is considered, I wouldn't stand a chance.

 4. What would be the ideal way to meet your future husband/wife, in your opinion?

 Well this might sound a bit cliche, but I had rather hoped for meeting him at a church.

 5. If there's one character from a book/movie you would never want to find sitting in your living room, who would it be? (Leaving out the ones that are too big or abstract to sit in your living room- i.e. Sauron...)

 ... Jar Jar Binks. If you're a Star Wars fan, than that should need no explanation.

 6. If there is one character from a book/movie you would want to find sitting in your living room, who would it be?

 *silent, half blushing.*

 7. If you could live one day of your life in the style of a movie, what genre would you pick? (Animated, comedy, romance, crime, adventure, action, etc.)

 Oooh! I'd probably pick animated, but it's more of a medium than a genre. I'd opt for either mystery or romance. (Gee, predictable.)

 8. What movie from that style would you pick? And furthermore what character would you most want to be?

 Well. I would say I'd love to be the MC's best friend type of character. Mainly because they have a far more intriguing role than many people realize. (Plus I could be the food obsessed character friend that's always willing and ready to get up and help. And you get to make some excellent faces at people when you're animated >:D  Granted that probably means I'm the third wheel dring things, but I'm rather used to that happening, so that's not all that different than real life. So I'm cool with that. As far as any particular movie from that genre/style thing... I'm not sure I know of one actually.

 9. If someone were to compose a soundtrack for your life, who would you want it to be?

 Oh my word, I have no clue. I would probably try to get together a couple of my favorite artists, I have no doubt it would be epic.

 10. What's the purpose of life if life has no purpose?

 First thing that came to mind, in all honesty--If the purpose of like is to have no purpose, than the purpose of life is to not exist--However, this is not true. In fact the opposite is true. And that is not a double positive resulting in a negative. In fact, if the purpose of like is to not exist, than life has no existed in the first place to have such a non-purpose goal. So in fact, the purpose of life is to indeed, exist.

Also! THIS IS POST 100 OF MY BLOG EVERYBODY! :D Have some complimentary desserts and drinks, couldn't find any party poppers :( But I hope you all have a wonderific day!

*I do not own either of these photos.


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