Up to 32, or, A pen review

Up to 32 drafts and more things to write.
Up to 32 drafts and more things to do.

What do you do when you're up to 32 drafts and other obligations? Why, you make another draft because just as you've begun the last one you were writing, something else comes up and the entire topic of it changes.
 So let's get right down to it shall we?

I have just purchased two inking pens for my artwork. Something I like doing when I have a little spare cash, I'll buy one or two of a specific brand of a certain art supply to see how well it fares.
Up till now, I have been using Pilot G2 pens for inking in my artwork, both pencils and watercolors. But today, I purchased two Pigma pens. The .5 Pigma Micron, and the Pigma Brush.

I have yet to use them to any great extent, but these are my first impressions.

 Pigma Micron .5

 My hands are a little shaky at times when I'm inking, both as a factor of the cold and occasional anxious tendencies. While the Micron .5 is a very clean lined pen, a small enough amount of ink comes out that it transfers most or all of my slight shaking. I'm sure, however, that is if my hands were steadier at the moment, the linework would be quite clean and even flowing. As it is, the ink lays down cleanly and doesn't bleed, and will be quite good for detail work.
 Aside from my own variable of shaking, I'd have to say that the Pigma Micron is a decent pen overall, and a 4 out of 5 for my book.

 Pigma Brush

 Unlike the Micron, the Pigma Brush seems to negate my slight shaking. The ink flows quicker with this particular pen, the linework is just as clean, yet far smoother than the Micron. But, while the lines may be more free flowing, the pen itself requires a slightly more skilled hand to wield it with full potential. The laying of the ink is fantastic, and the bend of the tip itself is firm enough to keep itself in shape. I am still new to the brush pens as a whole, it provides a sense of movement and a sense of placement.
 Alongside the Pigma Micron, the differences are such that a back to back comparison would be impossible. As a brush pen and the workmanship it currently shows, I will rate it a 4 of 5.

 What are your opinions of the Pigma pens, for either art or writing purposes? I have yet to use a wide range of pens as of yet, but I look forward to exploring the varieties currently available to me.


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