
Completion. Complete. Whole. Full. Total. Finished. Done. Without a doubt.

 50 thousand words!!!!

I finished NaNoWriMo today. Quite honestly I have almost no clue what to do now. I say almost because I have only vaguest sense of the kind of idea I want to have in order to continue. Many would be horrified at these next words of--I'm no longer going to work without an outline.
This doesn't mean that I won't have long times where I just write whatever I want without a plan, but for a full blown novel, I'm not going to work on one without have at least a very basic and bare bones idea of what I'm doing here. I used an outline, a very basic and weird, and altogether not very well written outline for Camp NaNoWriMo this past July. But what happened? I wrote 35 thousand words and finished ahead of schedule. With this in mind, I have no doubt that with how crazy my brilliant mind can be, with all of it's messy thoughts running around, all unruly and without a cause, that it could just very well be; that an outline is exactly what I need.

Also, I would like to thank all of my friends over on the Christian Teens Together forum, I could in no way have managed to make it this far without the help of all of you!
And thank you to my friends whom I know in person who also partook in NaNoWriMo this year, thank you as well!
The same for my family who had to listen to my many, many, strange and altogether to them nonsensical rants about my story, only to have me complaining and talking random strings of words one moment, to not being able to pry me away from the computer for the next four hours.
Thank you everyone!
Thank you God, for giving me the stories you have placed so fondly and deeply inside of my heart.

With this all to say, I finished NaNoWriMo today. How did you do? Let me know once November's over, don't call it quits till the website won't let you update it. Because until that second comes, get off of the internet! WHY AREN'T YOU WRITING.


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