Stage 3: Day one, and night two

 So yesterday, and technically this morning I was writing for NaNoWriMo. And tell you what,  I got a better start than last year, for multiple reasons. However, one reason is far more important than the rest when it comes to physically writing the story because--

  I've already written it.

Don't yell at me yet, or at all mind you. I wrote draft one of this story about four to five years ago, and now, due to that and that four-ish years of planning and story building, I managed to get a running start of 4,531 words. Compared to last years it's not a whole lot larger of a leap, maybe 1.5k or so. But for me, that was a brilliant start. Not to mention, I completely plan on winning this year.
 I finished last year with just under 29k. However I stopped writing 20 days into it. In July I wrote over 35k words, and because I reached the 35k goal, I stopped writing on day 17. This time will be different. Because I will continue to write on this story until it is finished. I won't stop. Even after November has come and gone, and it might not be done, I'm still going to write because that's what I do, and this story needs to be told. I created this story, I wrote over 50k in a little less than two weeks. If I could do it back then, then I sure as anything can do this. Because I am a writer. And I am a fighter. And those two words rhyme for a reason. I can't think of anything else better, than to be a writer, or a fighter. Because in both, I refuse to give up. I've given up on this story before. And I absolutely refuse to do so again. This story will not be abandoned, and neither will I. God has me, and I have this story, and my story involves telling this one. So if that's the case, I can't think of anything better to do. Because for me, to write is to bring life to something that didn't have it before. To bring into being a story that was once only a stray thought or dream.
 I am a Dreamer. And you'll find me there, the place where dreamer's dream. For us though, if the dreamer dies, the dream continues to live. Because we are not merely Dreamers. We are Storytellers. And I cannot think of a greater gift to have.


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