Today was a good day

 So much happened today, so I'll try to to this in some semblance of an order.

 First off, today's excursion was a bit overshadowed by a doctor's appointment in the early afternoon, but the things leading up to it made it a little bit better by each little event, and a few others made the waiting for results far more bearable.

 Things started off by going to a grocery store that my family loves, at which about five minutes into shopping, two little girls started saying. "She has a Elsa braid!" I had to look for a couple seconds before I saw them, and their mother was smiling at me and asked if I had seen the movie (Which I had). And the two girls continued to say I looked like Elsa, and every time we went past them in the store, one or both of the girls would stare at me until we were out of sight. So today, I was mistaken for a Disney Princess, and that made me feel wonderful!

 Then, at the checkout of the same store, I got some free advice relating to college from our cashier. Main point of it being, "Keep your mind open!" He was nice, though I am a friend of math, math is not a friend of his. So sadly we can't hang out :P But it was a good talk, and a rather encouraging one as far as college was concerned, saying to just keep my mind open to options and to possibilities. By far the best advice I've gotten about college since I've entered high school.

 Went to the doctor's office after that, had some preliminary look overs, and then had to wait a while for the next bit so we went shopping some more.

 At the second store I fell in love with the entire place, not to mention the employees were far more nice than most places I've been. (One of them was rocking an awesome purple and blue bob!) They have aisles with the wooden buckets and scoops so you can measure our how much of dried fruit, nuts, seeds, chocolate, chocolate covered things, anything you want. It was amazing! I treated myself to a little thing that I'd never even heard of before. Dark chocolate covered honeycomb. IT IS AWESOME. I've decided I'll treat myself to one piece each time I go, that is if I haven't finished the piece from before. It's very rich, and also rather big, so it's not something I'm going to finish any time soon.

 Went back to the doctor, and found out that I don't have anything wrong with me! Praise the Lord! It'd been a stressful week and a whole lot of things before hand, so I have a couple things to do though to get in better health all round, so that's good!

 Came home, (while reading a Hardy Boy's, my go too for car rides now.) and saw that shoes I bought last week had come in the mail! I now have two new pairs of sandals for the Spring/Summer! I'm so happy!

 Today has gone so much better than I thought it would. And now that I'm at home and blogging, I'm finally able to sit down soon and to start making notes for my outlining of my new book.

 Also, there's some homemade pizza coming out of the oven soon :)

Have an awesome weekend!


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