Somebody noticed!

 So although a lot of the times it's fine if people don't notice things, but for some reason when someone does notice something about me, like the fact that I got new glasses, or am rockin' the one earring style, I feel really happy inside. Not really because of, "oooh, compliments!" (also, how do you respond to compliments? I'm running out of ways to say thank you) but because I feel happy that they took the time to notice something about me and to just, well, take the time to care about me and to talk to me and such. It's a happy and warm fuzzy feeling inside of me because, "You took the time to notice something about me most people don't, and I want to thank you for taking the time to say something nice to me. Even if at the time it might seem a bit insignificant."
 Now that would be a lot to say every single time somebody did that, but in short it really makes me feel loved when people like to just point out little details like new glasses or how I wore my hair a certain way. It makes me feel special, so I want to say thank you!


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