Inspire Me: Tag, I'm it!

Apologies for the lateness of this, but here's a thing!

I've been tagged by the lovely Autumn Meadowlark from Alpine Writer! Thanks dearie!

Here are the rules:

  1. Copy these totally amazing and spectacular rules onto your post.
  2. Smile and twirl in a circle and look at your favorite inspiring thing and take deep breaths as you prepare for my amazingness (or awkwardness perhaps in my case).
  3. Thank your gorgeous, lovely tagger.
  4. Tag five other bloggers (or more, or less, or whoever)
  5. Have fun and be honest and answer all the questions (and feel free to add some of your own!)
Step one, done.
Step two *does it* done!
Step three, done!
Step four–oop! Getting ahead of ourselves, let's answer some questions first!

No. 1: What is one of the most inspiring things to you?

Well... It's hard to say what is the most inspiring thing to me. Perhaps, sitting in nature during quiet moments, or being in busy coffee shops, I think, perhaps just being is often times my most inspiring things, because I love to capture the beauty hidden in everyday life in my writing the best I can!

No. 2: Where do you look too for inspiration?

Everywhere! The designs on my espresso foam, the patterns in the cement block wall, watching trees become silhouettes in a sunrise, everything! Everything and everywhere become my inspiration, I just have to look close enough for it.

No. 3: When and where does inspiration tend to hit you?

Everywhere. And all the time. Most often at inopportune times when I either can't go write it down and explore it, or when I'm about to go to sleep.

No. 4: What's the first thing you do when inspiration strikes?

Try to not forget it. Usually using methods similar to Autumns.

No. 5: What's the most inspiring book/song/website/etc. you've found?

Too many to count, and too many to remember them all sadly. Books, lines from books, songs and lyrics, even the patterns on leaves to the strangest of people can be inspiring to me, it just depends on the circumstance. If I had to just pick my biggest of all inspirations that's the most consistent, I'd have to say my friends and their writing! I'm competitive, but it's not the need to be better than others that makes me competitive, it's the thing of "I know I can do better than what I've already done, and they're helping me do it."

No. 6: What's one piece of advice you would give to people struggling for inspiration?
Go somewhere you've never been, or somewhere that's extremely familiar, and look for something new. Look for the hidden corners and listen to what people say, watch the world, and listen.

Now for steps 4 and 5!

I nominate:
Cheetah! From Scribbles Playground!
Val and the other writers from Our Mind Palace
Mandy from Jumping in Puddles
Leila from Inspiring Inklings
Alyssa from The Honeydrop Post

Hope you enjoyed reading this!
Have a wonderful day everyone, and God bless!



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