Take Care of Yourself

 So often, oh so often, things in life bog us down. And we wonder, "why?"
My friend, life is hard. But at the same time, are you taking care of yourself?
Now I don't mean that in a discouraging way, on the contrary, what I'm asking is, "are you taking care of your health and wellbeing?"

 It's easy to get caught up in life and have things easily slip away from us and out from underneath the limelight. I know, it happens to me all the time. But one thing I am endeavoring to change for certain this year, is how well I take care of myself. Such as: drinking more water, getting at least 1 hr. of high cardio a week to start, not eating so much sugar, spending less time on the computer and more time reading books, less time watching tv and more time studying.

 These things, can be either simple or hard, it just depends on how you look at it.

Drinking water: I don't know when this became a "problem" for me, I just stopped drinking as much as I needed too. The result? A constant state of partial dehydration, that until I started drinking more, I didn't know I was in.
 Exercise, what's that? I usually don't do hardly much of anything along the lines of getting myself up and moving or even pushing a little beyond the slight need for breathing deeper. That is, until I discovered Zumba. Now, I do at least 3 songs every other day or so in my room. And I don't stop until I've done at least those 3 songs, because they equal together about 10 minutes of good workout cardio. It's a start, and one I plan on working up to longer periods of time.
 Sugar: Quite tempting, but less so with the potential of dental visits. I ate far too much sugar after Halloween, and then again after Thanksgiving and Christmas. Don't get me started on New Years. I've needed to cut back the sugar, except this year I knew it. And each cookie or piece of candy I ate, I thought about it. (Granted, my reasoning didn't always win out over my cravings. But, we'll get to that later.)
 Oh laptop: How you take up all my time which is needed elsewhere. And seriously, it's not like I need to be online 24/7, I don't even know why I just stare at the screen all the time while not doing anything productive at least. (Don't ever get Pinterest unless you're willing to get sucked in entirely.)
 Reading? Books? I can have them back!? Yes! So I've heard a lot of people making resolutions to read X number of books in any given year, specifically this one, as it's the one were in. Unless you're from the past or future, in which case I commend you on being able to read this in a different time era perspective, tell me, what's it like? As it is, however, I have a list myself of books I plan on reading this year. Top of the list, and the first one I already wrote about, 'A Study in Scarlet'. I'll be working on reading more Sherlock Holmes throughout the year, along with several others.
 TV, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon: All with apparent unlimited watching ability–they all manage to not have available half the things I want to watch and what I do gets either taken off within a short time or the show itself just goes downhill. There are a handful of exceptions (Blue Bloods, Dark Matter, etc.) But still, I have no need to watch over an hour of TV with lunch, or even after supper, let alone both. But TV addictions are not always easy to break, (especially when the warmest room of the house right now just so happens to be the living room.) but I will work on cutting down my watching time significantly.
 Studying, learning, broadening my mind: All very well indeed! Why don't I do it more? Probably because at the moment most of it is required in order to graduate, but as it stands, I love to learn, although, it just so happens that I do not enjoy being tested on said knowledge I am supposed to accumulate. Once I am learning something for my own choosing, I fly with it, once I am given something to be graded on, I will go through it like a turtle through peanut butter. (Thank you internet for the odd t-shirts I manage to find.) But I am so close that I am making my way through each lesson, I know I don't have far to go, and that alone at the moment is what is egging me on. I'll graduate, and then on–I have no idea, but I know I'll have options available to me.

 So, are you taking care of yourself? Because, as someone close to me mentioned, (best to my memories ability) "Take care of yourself. Because if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to do what it is that you really want to do."

 Take care of yourselves this year my friends, the year is young, and I hope to hear good things from you all in the future.

God bless, Mae.


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