
Showing posts from July, 2015

Word of the day

 Have you ever thought about how strange the spelling of the word listen is? I actually stopped this morning and looked at it at all the previous times I wrote it on my last post. And I fully stopped, quite writing and opened a dictionary. That is how convinced I was that I was not spelling it right, or that I was somehow writing a completely different word entirely. I actually thought I has written some German word I had learned in the past and forgotten, but no. It's listen. L-i-s-t-e-n. See how I could mistake it for a German word? But I just about floored myself with this. The sheer fact that I word that I'd known how to spell since second or third grade, was flooring me in it's strangeness or oddness, that alone was something of a.... I'm lost for a word, a strangely liveliness, epiphany, noticed... adventure? Not quite. A learning moment. A relearning or an unlearning moment I should say.  That is something I miss! I legitimately forget sometimes, how a word wo...

Early morning escapade

 Dear Reader,  There are indeed perks to waking up earlier than intended, and I have to say that today was no exception to that fact.  You see, when you are someone like me, and you write a blog, even if just for your own amusement or pleasure, and at your leisure like I do, this is something like what has begun to happen in how I view the very simple things. Even as I write this I'd rather be watching the birds, or at least looking for them, rather than simply listening to them. By the usual time I would have gotten up they would have stopped already, or their songs would have changed. The air, is cool. The light, it glows. The birds, magnificent. Hot coffee with bacon, and early morning conversation with people that by the time I would have normally gotten up, would have left a long while ago. As it is, when I get a chance to have an early morning with them, even for just a few minutes, is irrevocably wonderful. Smiles and hugs in the morning from people you don't e...


29.07.15:10.14.AM.  The rain has gotten harder, the skies blacker. Thunder is rolling almost every second, and the cold front beginning. I'm not sure where this will all lead, but I know one thing. It's gotten hard too see. Thunder, it's shaking the house, I know I've been posted here for nearly a year, but have yet to have seen such a constant pealing of thunder and lighting strikes as this. The lulls worry me at times, because I know the rushing torrents of rain will return with a vengeance in just a short while. All I can do is wait... ...wait and see, whether or not we'll lose power, and whether or not, I get that last sewing project done before it's too late and all power is lost to us. I can only hope.

A second wind

 Dear Reader,  A second wind, although it may have come quickly and coldly, and not unprepared for, came yesterday.  In the form of a spider. There are a lot of spiders in my house, and I have gotten rid of them frequently, however the sudden necessity of disposing of several in one night, and then another one a few days later that was too fuzzy for my liking, and far too colorful, resulted in a "deep" clean.  In otherwords, everything furniture wise was pulled away from the walls, and the entire room was vaccumed, then sprayed liberally till some parts dripped slightly with a homemade solution of warm water, orange oil, lemon oil, and peppermint. Three things that spiders hate.  If I had any I would have added chestnut, but that's a bit harder to find. Plus I didn't have any on hand.  But a second wind in the form of getting things done and out of the way, especially after having moved in eleven months ago. It's about time that some boxes actually g...

I came up smiling

 Dear Reader,   I took the plunge... and I came up smiling! Today's adventure went amazingly! I met lots of new people, had an experience I'd never had before. Learning a lot about fields of certain work, and had another step in my goal, not to mention another thing crossed off the bucket list!  Today I was an extra in a movie, and it was simply superb! The people were nice, and it was fun to get to know the other extras, as well as what the process of movie making is like. I have to say, that although I'll most likely not meet the people again that I met today, I'll remember it. Because today I took the plunge, despite a nervous feeling down in the pit of my stomach, even though I'd avoided that feeling the whole time up until this morning. It all went away when I first went inside the building to film.  I have to say... I'm glad I'm a girl who's taking the plunge, rather then simply wading in. And not getting to experience the rush and the thril...

An adventure awaits me

 Dear Reader,  Taking the plunge has become something I've found myself saying several times since writing it out. Taking adventures, no how small, to me are one step closer towards finding the next one, and the ultimately larger, and more magnificent goal!  A goal, to me, no matter how small is a goal. And passing just a small one can buoy you to the next one. And if it's a bit to far, then I find a foothold somewhere. I can always find one, and if I cant, then I look either a little closer or a little further on. You'll find one, and you have the capability, you just need to do the work to make it. And I've started to understand that. Writing? Camp NaNoWriMo, I wrote just over 35,000 words. That's seven thousand more than in November! And for this, I know that this coming November, I'll make it. I'll push it, and I'll write it, and I'll grab what footholds I need to reach the top. And then I'll climb again to the next mountain, but who's...


 Dear Reader,  Today was filled with many things, though not quite sailing ships or sealing wax. But what it did have were memories. It rained, the wind blew, the sun returned, the world was bright. The sunset elegant, and not overbright. The clouds filling the sky, and a wispy half moon appeared. Music that fill the air for hours, and sunshine that blazed for summer. Friends to laugh and talk with, and making new ones too. Meeting acquaintances and getting to know each other better. Dancing with the crowd as the bands played. Catching a CD when holding your hand in the air for loving the band. High-fiving band members as they dance with the crowd to either wait for their turn, or just enjoying the moment after having sung their piece. Laughing and dancing, and loving it all. Oh my dear new hometown and my new friends, how I love you all. You make me feel welcome, you started by holding me dear. A precious moment when you simply acknowledged me, it will stay with me for eter...

A life and a love

 Dear Reader, I chose this particular title, because I just finished reading/looking at a story of another blogger, who drew each day of his and his wife's life for 365 days. But putting together specifically the days that he drew of them together.  And I must say, it was the sweetest story that I have read. The Drawings of Curtis Wiklund and his wife Jordin.  I have no other words to say than these, and these simple words say it all. I love this story. I love their story. I love that they made a story and told it to the world in one of the most magnificent ways possible. I love it that it's a story that is of the beauty real life holds. I love it all. And I love the story of life. And the story that God's given me. For although it was said, no one is told any story but their own. I take it to mean, it doesn't say that, you don't hear of another's story, but the only story that you will ever see through your own eyes...    ... is your own. -C...

Partial Completion

 Dear Reader,  It is possible to acchieve only partial completion, but not in all ways is it quite as satisfying as this one.  I am doing the July Camp NaNoWriMo, and just a few minutes ago passed my allotted word count goal of 35,000 words! I have 35,296.  So after today, I'll be continuing, because although I have completed the word goal, the story has still a very long ways to go, before it is anywhere nears completed. -Mae

What to write?

 Dear reader,  I have once again become stuck in the rut of my stories. I will be going on headstrong for a good long while, keeping my word count up above the average, and then suddenly all in an invisible puff of smoke in my creativity factory, everything shuts down. Not even the characters on the third shift have been making any headway. But it's painful because this time I'm even closer than before to finishing my word goal.  So I have come to a conclusion. To write whatever it is that comes out even if it doesn't follow the original outline. Because I am going to make this word count skyrocket. I am finishing a winner this time. Yes, it's a self made goal, but it's one I was working hard to uphold, and to keep myself too it. For that being said, I believe today I shall write as far onward as I possibly can. It might be terrible, and it might get deleted the moment I begin editing; but I will have written something, and completed one of my first goals in this...

Changing scenery

 Dear reader,  So although I've changed the appearance of my beloved little blog, I am happy to say they it will not be the only thing to change a bit. Plans for redecorating or for redesigning a bedroom or a house are in play, and I am quite excited!  Although I do indeed try to keep my writing spirit up and invigorated, I will most surely and undoubtedly fall back on it all. For several reasons that is. 1) I only try. Do or do not, there is no try. Are very true words indeed. For this matter alone I have been called out on many undertakings, because when I'm asked, and I respond. "I do try," I am often times met with, "You need to do more than just try." So indeed. I shall do more than that. 2) I feel no inspiration, yet I will constantly forget the fact that it is not the writing alone I need inspiration for, but the writing that will give the inspiration too me to do with what I need, or what I please. 3) I am a forgetful person, so I try (there w...

Touching in on euphoria

 Dear Reader,  I haven't written in the longest time, and it only came back to mind most recently that I hadn't posted in what may have seemed to some as forever. Things in life have been sometimes full of, and then devoid of euphoria as a whole, with points nary in between.  But as a whole, a life on it's own is worth celebrating, whether or not the life around you is as euphoric. A life is a marvelous thing to behold to be sure. And nothing else can replace it in any manner. Although here I speak of tales and long forgotten tolls, the one and simple fact yet remains.  It is well. It is well if I do not write here but once in a euphoric moment, no matter how far and few between they may be. It is well if I find nothing worth writing in a day, for I have lived it so. It is well to find something in the ordinary, just to find it extraordinary. It is well, and all is well, with those who live a live unordinary. -Mae