What to write?

 Dear reader,

 I have once again become stuck in the rut of my stories. I will be going on headstrong for a good long while, keeping my word count up above the average, and then suddenly all in an invisible puff of smoke in my creativity factory, everything shuts down. Not even the characters on the third shift have been making any headway. But it's painful because this time I'm even closer than before to finishing my word goal.
 So I have come to a conclusion. To write whatever it is that comes out even if it doesn't follow the original outline. Because I am going to make this word count skyrocket. I am finishing a winner this time. Yes, it's a self made goal, but it's one I was working hard to uphold, and to keep myself too it. For that being said, I believe today I shall write as far onward as I possibly can. It might be terrible, and it might get deleted the moment I begin editing; but I will have written something, and completed one of my first goals in this story.
 So what should I write? I don't have the faintest idea, but I know it'll keep me writing.

 What to write?

    Why anything my dear.



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