Word of the day

 Have you ever thought about how strange the spelling of the word listen is? I actually stopped this morning and looked at it at all the previous times I wrote it on my last post. And I fully stopped, quite writing and opened a dictionary. That is how convinced I was that I was not spelling it right, or that I was somehow writing a completely different word entirely. I actually thought I has written some German word I had learned in the past and forgotten, but no. It's listen. L-i-s-t-e-n. See how I could mistake it for a German word? But I just about floored myself with this. The sheer fact that I word that I'd known how to spell since second or third grade, was flooring me in it's strangeness or oddness, that alone was something of a.... I'm lost for a word, a strangely liveliness, epiphany, noticed... adventure? Not quite. A learning moment. A relearning or an unlearning moment I should say.

 That is something I miss! I legitimately forget sometimes, how a word works and then simply stare at it for minutes or moments, just examining it and questioning it and how it works, or just now realizing the placement of such letters, to form a word with the sounds we create. How strange and lovely words and works of art known and languages can be. How irrevocably lovely.

Listen: To hear.


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