I came up smiling

 Dear Reader,

  I took the plunge... and I came up smiling!
Today's adventure went amazingly! I met lots of new people, had an experience I'd never had before. Learning a lot about fields of certain work, and had another step in my goal, not to mention another thing crossed off the bucket list!

 Today I was an extra in a movie, and it was simply superb! The people were nice, and it was fun to get to know the other extras, as well as what the process of movie making is like. I have to say, that although I'll most likely not meet the people again that I met today, I'll remember it. Because today I took the plunge, despite a nervous feeling down in the pit of my stomach, even though I'd avoided that feeling the whole time up until this morning. It all went away when I first went inside the building to film.

 I have to say... I'm glad I'm a girl who's taking the plunge, rather then simply wading in. And not getting to experience the rush and the thrill of something new and exciting!
 To say I'm loving this, would be right. Because I am. Because I'm taking the plunge while others are still debating, and I'm not waiting for anything. I'm ready to head right in, no matter what I meet. It'll probably shock or even stun me at first. But that's only for a moment. Just like that nervous feeling in my stomach this morning.
 It went away just a few minutes after I started having it. Just like jumping into a cool swimming pool on a hot day.
 Take the plunge, don't wade in. Wading in, you have aprehension the whole time until you're there. And even then, you're not always enjoying yourself nearly as much as you should or could be.

 So dear friends.
 Don't be afraid.
 And take the plunge.

- Mae


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