Ballet and Rock

 Last night I had my first ballet class in over 10 years. It was so much fun! Not to mention I met some cool people there as well. I'm going to probably be taking the class consistently, though this first time was just a drop in to see if I would even like doing it–which I did! I look forward to doing a dance class once a week or so.

 For those of you that don't know, I injured one of my knees a little under 2 years ago while doing some craziness, pulling a muscle that connects to the kneecap. The other was messed up several years before that, the muscles off to the outside and a little below the knee get painful cramps when it's cold and damp.
 However! I'm still one of the most competitive people I know. Mainly because I have a great deal of pride, and that's not a good thing. Though, at the same time, I don't always let my injuries slow me down. I'm still one of the more active dancers at my youth group, and I'm probably one of the ones more willing to run during a game of kickball. I just try to not let my pride get in the way. It's interesting how things such as a mindset can bring a thing such as an injury back to mind. I rarely seem to have trouble with my injuries except for when I know I am being prideful and trying to show someone up. But when I'm just doing something for fun, I rarely if ever have trouble with past pain.

 Some might call me crazy, but it is true I think that my past injuries, serve only as a reminder. Not a hinderance.

 I dance for the love of it. I dance because I love the feeling I get when I move to the beat of the music. I love dancing with my friends, and with people I might have just met, or don't even know!

 Where does rock come into it? I was listening to rock music this morning :)

 But honestly. Sometimes my injuries come back mostly when I'm trying to prove something to someone. I'm short, and I'm actually kind of small, so even when I get teased, I have tendencies to try and show that person up. The results usually ending with me having completed what they said I could never do, but with me silently standing there knowing that it's only a matter of time before the pain sets into one or both my joints.
 If I had to say which one of the seven deadly sins was my worst, I wouldn't hesitate to say that it is pride. I'm prideful, but I don't want to be. But it's hard. It's hard to lay aside your pride when you feel someone is diminishing you. But I'm trying hard to learn. I don't want to be known as the prideful girl. I want to be known as the girl who doesn't get angered at a simple word, or the one who launches off at the smallest taunting.
 I don't always do a good job of that. In fact, most days I fail at it. But I'm still trying. Because I don't want to be that prideful girl, that that's all you ever see. Because that's not how I'm supposed to act. I don't like admitting defeat or that I am incapable. But I don't always realize that I'm not neither just because I can't do something. I merely haven't learned to do something yet, and I don't need to attempt it only to fail later on, hurting my future attempts to learn to do it better.
 I want to be the type of a girl, that grows into a lady. I want to grow up to be a woman that it proud to follow God. That, that is a different type of pride, because in fact, I don't see that one as pride. So let me amend that sentence.
 I want to grow up to be a woman that is happy to follow God.

 Growing up with joy in your heart is a hard thing in today's world. But I attempt it anyway, because I refuse to let this world made me cold hearted.

 Let's love the world we're in, because it's the only one we got. So let's do the same thing with out lives. Love yourself, because you're the only one of you that you get.

 And even if you feel like you don't love yourself, know this-I do, and so does God.
How amazing is that? Even if you don't feel loved, you've already got two right here that do.


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