Blog Award

My friend's Sarah and Katie have nominated me for a blogging award! Thank you two so much! Here's their blog for you all to check out - Sister Projects

 Here are the award rules, copied from her blog 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog. 2. Answer the questions that the blogger who nominated you has provided. 3. Nominate four other bloggers. 4. Create ten questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination. (I'm breaking this rule a bit - I'll ask just three questions rather than ten.)

And if I nominate you, you do not need to participate, but I do think your blog is amazing!

Sarah and Katie's questions for me:

1. Who inspires you? You can name anyone - someone you know personally, a historical or literary figure, a world leader, a celebrity... absolutely anyone that pops into your head. 

Answer - I would have to say Audrey Hepburn, she has always been an inspiration to me in so many ways. Whether it be her style, her personality, or her take on how everything, and everyone is beautiful. And that helping others is something important, as is helping yourself.

2.What hobby would you like to try with which you have little to no previous experience? 

Answer - I have two in mind actually. Watch making, and Martial Arts.

3. What book do you recommend we read to discuss in a future Sister Projects blog post?

Answer - Oh! Have you two ever read "The Blue Sword?" It's simply fantastic.

Now for my own nominations, I nominate: - The Rambling Line - Confessions of a Teenage Writer - Falcons and Fletchings - Mara and the Camera

 All four of these are wonderful, please check them out!

My questions for the nominee's:
1. What's your favorite season, and why?
2. If you could pick a different time era or decade to visit, which would you choose?
3. Could you write me one short-story prompt? It doesn't have to be long, just a sentence.

 Thank you again Sarah and Katie for the nomination! You two are wonderful! 


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