Candy Store

  Sometimes I wonder about my blog. It used to have a completely different look. But, I do know that when I came back to it again, I had one thing in mind.


 I knew that I wanted to have something cheerful. So I thought- what's more cheerful than a candy store? I went into a candy store a short while ago-and by a while ago I mean more like a bit over a year ago-and honestly, I couldn't think of a more charming place!
 So when making a blog, often times I will never leave a blog on the preset settings of any given theme. The colours, the typeface, the layout, and any other small formatting options I might have available.

 The colours I like to have in a nice complimenting set. However, using colours such as yellow, red, and maybe some green, tend to throw me off when on a blog. Softer colours such as a blue, with pink and red, is a bit more easier on the eye.

 The typeface to me needs to be smooth, and nothing to extreme. Fonts such as Zapfino, while although rather scrolling and wispy, can be hard to read when written in any large amount. Didot, another person favorite for small titles and naming things at beginnings of documents, is not good for large pieces. Typewriter fonts have never been hard in larger amounts. Yet, don't make it so fine that it's hard to see the lines, or to bold to give your eyes those weird lines after you've been reading words on a screen. Other fonts such as Times New Roman, and Helvitica are also easier on the eye.

 The Layout is all in how much you think people will interact with the different elements on your blog. If you use labels like I do, you have a list (or cloud) of the labels so as to have them available for those that read your blog. Following by email is often something you want to have noticed, but not at the top of any blog, to me personally it feels like a slight turnoff if that is the only thing beside the posts. Again, this is all personal preference. I don't follow by email so much as by following by adding blogs I like or read often to my list of blogs to follow, if you have a blog you might use this, or you might just follow by email. Hey! Personal opinions, you have yours I have mine, this whole post is in fact my own opinion, so ignore if you want.

 Other small options in the blog such as small "widgits" or in some case, called "apps" though this is a personal pet peeve of mine, to call something an app rather than an application. Anyways, back to the original post, which by the way was originally going to be on the design of the blog and the fun factor. So how about I get back to that eh?

 A candy theme is something I personally associate with cheerful things! I see it in places, and it gives you (some of you) a whimsical appearance. Which is one factor I hoped it would bring. Because although I haven't necessarily been "whimsical" I still hope eventually after I get things rolling that it will be more than way in some factors. Although one main thing this blog was going to be for me, was almost like a memory box. Because although I'd keep a memory box if I could, I had been moving and redoing things far to much to even try to be consistent in something like that. So here, in this little candy store of mine with a library up top and a writer's coffee shop and meeting place below, is where I keep my thoughts and little memories that I know I on't want to forget. Until I can find a way to keep those memories somewhere else that's tangible, sometimes you make memories that aren't tangible. Whether is be with people you know in real life, or online. In my case, it's both. Both with my real life (I should say those that I have known and met in person) and my online friends, have made memories. And with my online friends, especially the Chriteno's from NaNoWriMo, we make some pretty awesome memories with our characters, that and our crazy writer ramblings that half the time make no sense. They're all amazing-I hope you Chriteno's know that!
 To all my friends, physical and online, thanks for being awesome, I look forward to having a whole lot more crazy writerly fun, especially with this upcoming November, we'll make it memorable!


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