Well that was anticlimactic.

 After an apparent misunderstanding of a statement made on NaNoWriMo, nearly the entire Chriteno thread had prepared itself for a farewell on the night of October 4th. However, we log on this morning, only to realize-
-it's still there?

 Staying up late and expecting it to be gone the next time we log on, provides for an interesting reaction when you do long on, and see it's still there. That being said.
 I stayed up till 3am last night, but not on the NaNoWriMo website. No, I stayed up late reading after deciding at 1am that I needed to go to bed, and at 12:50 decided it was finally time to get off the xbox. (Not to mention playing Final Fantasy Tactics on the PlayStation earlier)

 But the only thing that seems to be disappointing me, is the fact that I cannot yet create my new NaNoWriMo novel. It's a bit dismaying to become excited to create a novel you know absolutely nothing about. Because this year I'm pantsing my novel. This past July I planned one, and the November before that which was my first NaNoWriMo, I also pantsed. But this time, I think I've got the better hang of it.
 Not to mention the fact that being in a friendly competition between other writers for the entire month lends itself to the fact.


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