
Someone has asked, "what does it mean to guard your heart?" And although while the answer is in a way simple. It is so vastly complicated inside. Because your heart, is no simple thing. There is no one answer, because nothing is a one size fits all in any kind of situation. There will always be differences. No matter how similar some things may seem.
 Guarding your heart is a process, and in many situations painful. Though one step of guarding it, is by being aware. Aware of the things that you expose yourself to, and pour into your spirit. Because although we may not always realize it, many things we do can unwittingly harm us. Not always a big wave, though those have tendencies to be easier to see, and at times; though hard, more quickly dealt with.
 It's the slow ones. The ones that trickle in slowly, so slowly you don't see it or notice it until you're in up to your ankles. Then you're stumbling around trying to find where it's coming it, all the while not realizing it's right in front of you, because you can't see where it. And because sometimes you don't want to see it. Or you've unintentionally muddied up the waters far to much to tell anything. The changes in the current, or the slight feeling of something coming. Because a lot of the time it's the place you least expect. Somewhere out of the way, just out of sight. But not dormant.
 The larger waves aren't necessarily easier, but they do tend make themselves known quicker. And it far larger levels. But it is a problem to be dealt with, like any other to be faced. No matter the size it may seem to give itself. Large ones may be rough, but a single large wave can be easier to stand against than the slow flooding of an enclosed space. A space that needs opened in order to let the crap and junk out. Some times, it might look as if small bits of the good might get washed out with it. But are they really that good? Or are you just thinking of it only, and not yourself.
 People who think of themselves may be called self centered. And while at times I agree with this, I also disagree. Highly. There is a difference between thinking you're awesome and thinking you're useless. There is a difference between thinking you're talented and thinking you're incapable.
 Be humble instead.
Being humble doesn't mean you think less of yourself, it means you think of yourself less. To degrade yourself is both unhealthy and unwise. Because if it's one thing that one should never do in this world, or anywhere. Is think you're useless.
 Because no one is ever useless. Everyone is special. Because you have been made in the hands of God. And nothing that anyone says, or what anyone does, can ever take that away from you. You are a blessing, and you are a wonderful creation. One made in the image of God for His glory. You are needed, and you are loved. By an almighty, all knowing, all loving, and powerful God.

 This generation has become jaded to many things, that past generations would have considered evil, or taboo. But that in no way means that it is correct now. In this day and age, or ever.
 Wonder in of itself of certain subjects if of itself, subjective. As is about anything on this earth. Almost as how everything, is relative, no matter how you look at it.

Guarding your heart, is something that I am not an expert at, yet I am compelled to write about it, as it is a very real thing. That I myself deal with on a daily basis. Because those same evils, whether we like it or not, are there, day to day. And many times we can't do anything about it. But when we can it's very hard to do the dirty work to clear it out of our lives and to scrap away the crap. Getting it out, is often times one of the hardest things to do. Because sometimes you don't realize that it is the thing that's begun to drag you down. The silent killers I am told, are the worst. It is so with many things.
 But guarding you heart is about many things, one of those things being about judging what you pour into yourself. As what is poured in, will be poured out again. In one form or another. However with the trickling things that creep in, it's hard to stop the flow or hard to recognize the slow trouble it's causing you. Until it's all around you. It's hard to get out of those, and those struggles are hard. All of them are. Some may be more difficult than others, but each one has it's own vice to be dealt with. Something that needs to be confronted. And dealt with accordingly.
 To not be absorbed into something that you enjoy is difficult, but depending on what it is, can be dangerous. However, there is a great difference between enjoying, and absorbing.
 Enjoying something, yet knowing that something is not real, such as a show or a game, is different than believing those things to be the true reality. It is when you begin to believe in a reality that is not true that things can go dark, and very quickly.
 To be aware, and alert, in this time, is something that seldom few possess. Because it is an age of only knowing what is "cool" or "popular" when in reality, (watch that word) you are not meant to be like the others. Nor are they called to be like each other. Everyone is different, and they were made to be so.
 To be aware of the impurities in this world, and to learn how to steer clear and to avoid becoming a part of them, is something that requires a difficult balance. To be aware, yet not involved.
 To be alert, and knowing of the world around you, while not getting caught up in it's tides so as to be swept away by the current.
 Know your history, because those that don't are doomed to repeat it. And it is so with all things.

To gain the balance of knowing and understanding, yet not becoming a part of something, is hard to master. And it is not a thing learned in a moments realization. Because anything, whether it be material or personal, requires trial and error. No matter how much we may not want it to. Hurt is unavoidable in our world. But we can learn how to deal with it, and how to better avoid it.
 But unfortunately most the hurt and pain in this world, is because those that suffer from it are also unwilling to part with it.
 Guarding your heart also affects your mind and body as well, and your soul along with it as well.
 You mind and heart, may in some cases (some more often than others) disagree. I myself am one that it happens to often. But at times I have to learn when it is a fear gripping itself a hold on me, or if it a genuine warning.
 My head and heart are a system for both judgement and survival. My head will think one thing, but my heart knows another.
 My head will try to make sense of the unknowable, but only end up causing myself struggle. My heart will know something, but it is my head that can end up instilling fear deeper into me.
 I did not grow up in a friendly place, and that may or may not affect me even now. But it is not a controlling factor, so much as it is a thing that I will use to my advantage. To help me gauge my surroundings. Or the people I am with. I am not open with everyone, nor do I immediately trust anyone. Yet I ask them, if I ever tell them after the point that I do trust them, to not take it personally, as I am different. And am still learning how to gauge who I show my heart too.
 I wore my heart on my sleeve, and it at times was a problem. Though to others it meant I was readily their friend. But when the same trust or openness was not repaid to me, I felt slighted. Yet I would often try to convince myself (and about as often successful that) they simply did not show affection or friendship in the same ways that I do.
 But every now and then, it simply was not the case.

Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie.

I would far rather be hurt by a truth that comforted with a lie, just let it be known that that does not mean I will not at times be either wrathful or hurt. But I will know that you were honest with me about it, instead of hurting me further by letting me put the pieces together myself that I was missing, to see that it was only a facade. But there are also those who may not realize what it is you are feeling, because they perceive things differently than you do, and might not be able to tell that you are hurting until a far later time. But when they do, once they understand what it is that has happened, they will try to make things right. To tell me the truth is something that I wish all would do. Because I feel as if at times I have been lied too, even if only small things. Because this, is where the heart comes in, and where the head needs to shut up.
 Your heart will tell you when you have been hurt. You will know when something has cut or bruised deeply, because you will feel it. Even if you do not per say "know" it.
 I have friendships that have changed drastically over time. And I have some that have changed hardly at all in some senses. Drastic changes in some that were recent and ill received. Some that were greatly positive and strengthening. Parts that remain the same yet I try to go forward. And then some staying the same in that we both care.
 Is it possible for something to change yet stay the same? The answer is simple. Yes.


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