
Showing posts from 2015

It's called a typewriter for a reason

I spent the past half hour or so cleaning my typewriter. Yes, they still exist. I own one because I am a particularly happy person with a love of vintage things. And while it might not be what many or most consider the "perfect vintage" typewriter, it's a typewriter for crying out loud! IT'S AWESOME. No it's not baby blue, or that strange shade of green so many things seemed to come in back in the 50's, it's beige, and it's marvelous. It weighs a ton it seems, but it works fantastically! It does one thing, (cue many teenagers gasping at the horror) it types. Because it's a type writer. Too many things nowadays do too many different things and altogether get to be extremely bothersome or annoying. To have something like a typewriter is a very welcomed change in it all. Granted, I am here writing about my typewriter on my computer, because I use my typewriter for things such as book revisions, and letters. (Plus, I doubt I would send out multiple...

Oh my lovely characters...

How I torture you so. Seriously. Look at this list of things that this character has going against him MENTALLY. Multiple personality disorder PTSD Insomnia Depression Seriously, as if he didn't already have enough on his plate. Oh, how about this one, for PHYSICAL problems. Insomnia Malnutrition Vitamin D deficiancy Possibly a form of osteoporosis  ISN'T THIS ALL JUST LOVELY.   Don't forget the Marie-Antoinette Syndrome.   Oh yeah we wouldn't want to forget that. So mental problems, physical-internal problems, and then physical-external issues. This guy's a riot of rampaging rhinos of stress and probably blood issues.    Don't forget the br-   Dude, spoilers!   So yeah, what are your characters suffering from? This guy's one of the specials in that he might live till the end of the series. (And if you think you're mean to your characters, sometimes you're not. Not in comparison to other writers--look at my list for this gu...

Well then.

So its been a day past two weeks since I have written here, and to be quite and altogether frankly honest it's because I have both forgotten, and not having anything in particular to write about. Granted my last post was simply about a bowl of oatmeal, but even that in of itself to me was rather fun and hilarious to write, don't ask me why. Right now I am participating in a Story Swap with some others, though this one is a Secret Santa story swap, and I have no idea what it's all going to end up being like, but I am very excited nonetheless! I'm also trying to figure out a last few presents for some people who have to be the most difficult people on earth to buy gifts for... simply because they literally already have everything they want because they've bought everything throughout the year, which makes it rather difficult for us gift givers. So, back to the homemade first square. Except I have one problem with that one. I have nothing with which to make homemade ...


I have made a bowl of mush. It's a tasty mush. This mush is called oatmeal. A bowl of oatmeal with fruit. It's a tasty bowl of mush and fruit. Fruit. Cranberries and banana. A tasty bowl of sweetened fruity mush. So that's my thoughts on today.

What makes me joyful

Do you have that one song, that no matter what you're going through, or where you are, it never fails to lift you up. I would say yes, but I have more than one, because I can listen to any of one of these songs that I'm about to list, and I never fail to feel so much massively better after I have. I count myself blessed that I can listen to such beautiful music, and what's beautiful to me. I am so blessed, far beyond anything I realize. But this is one of those things I recognize, because to be able to listen to music so frequently like I do, is something not that many people have. Music is a large part of my life, and I don't know what I would without it. So here's a list of songs that I listen to, that never fail me or let me down. Owl City, Tokyo -  Pinterest, Tokyo Vicetone, United We Dance -  Pinterest, United We Dance Owl City, Kiss Me Baby, It's Christmas Time -  Pinterest, Christmas Time Kye Kye, Honest Affection - I couldn't find a video...

Dream Big

Dream big, because even if your dreams might be too big for one person, that's what you have your friends for. That's what you have your family for. My dreams are larger than life most days. But that shouldn't stop me. Soon, I'll be able to clear a good amount of stuff out of my room, and get going. I plan on not holding back the moment I graduate. Dreams, here I come. Not to say I don't chase them now, oh heavens no! I chase them the best I can with everything else right now, and true it's hard. But I'm not stopping. I can do so much, but with the help of others, I can do so much more. Look forward to this not simply being a lonely blog of a girl who doesn't know what to say, but one with a definite dream. One that I'm chasing with all of my heart. Step one, clean the room so that dreams can begin to take form. Step two, clean the mind at the same time. Step three, we'll see what we feel like doing after steps one and two. True I expect life t...


Completion. Complete. Whole. Full. Total. Finished. Done. Without a doubt.   50 thousand words!!!! I finished NaNoWriMo today. Quite honestly I have almost no clue what to do now. I say almost because I have only vaguest sense of the kind of idea I want to have in order to continue. Many would be horrified at these next words of--I'm no longer going to work without an outline. This doesn't mean that I won't have long times where I just write whatever I want without a plan, but for a full blown novel, I'm not going to work on one without have at least a very basic and bare bones idea of what I'm doing here. I used an outline, a very basic and weird, and altogether not very well written outline for Camp NaNoWriMo this past July. But what happened? I wrote 35 thousand words and finished ahead of schedule. With this in mind, I have no doubt that with how crazy my brilliant mind can be, with all of it's messy thoughts running around, all unruly and without...

Sweet Whimsy

Sometimes you just need a piece of sweet whimsy in your day. Turtles and Elephants and Whales oh my! Found these lovelies a little while ago! I love pastels, and I love these animals, so a win-win! That, and I found an old picture of a leaf I found a while back when they started to change colour. Just Loverly!

I can do anything

 I can literally do anything, and I have no desire to let anyone tell me anything different. Because I've proven again and again to people who've said, "You cant do that," or "You cant handle that." You know what I did? I did it. And I handled it. Sometimes better than the person who said I couldn't do it. Though more often than not the person telling me that, is myself. But no longer. Even yesterday... gosh. I was insane yesterday. I have a strange sense of proving myself to people who think I cant handle something. Like eating a Ghost Pepper Chip anybody? One of my friends at youthgroup offered me one, she really liked them, another one of my friends tried one without knowing what they were. The two guys there as well refused to try them. I, knowing what they were, promptly broke off a piece and ate it. I tell ya, that had to be one of the most hilarious times from yesterday. Aside from having a lot of fun over on one of the NaNoWriMo forums. But gosh,...


 Spritz. I don't know why but I simply love the way the word sounds when I say it out loud. And then I'll end up going along a whole long list of words that I've made up to rhyme with it, something like this.  Spritz-witz-brits-nits-slits-skits-sits-lits-knits-bits-tritz-mits-nits-pits-bits-fitz-snits-wits-fits-rits-lits-brits-nits-swits-snits. All of that I said in my head as I was typing it out so there it a number of repititions in there! But still, it's all fun! Spritz. I bothered to look it up because the moment I actually said it, I went blank for a moment on what the word actually meant. Though I'd known for ages. Just one of those things you know? :)   Spritz: squirt or spray something at or onto something in quick short bursts.


 Write. Right. Wright? I have made the mistake of writing wright more than once, if I am correct. (please tell me you expected the word right at the end of that sentence.) There is no wrong way to write, so if writing is the only right way to write, that shouldn't it just be wright? I don't now, I've had a fair amount of caffeine today, which also explains my rather explosive word count this morning.  I have surpassed myself in the word war world (try saying that 5 times fast) of my own goal to try and get more words in each time than I did previously. Well, this morning I did. When during a 15 minute word war I pumped out a grand 1,050 words.  That's 70 words a minute.    From a girl who does 58-60. Lets just say I was stunned until just recently. I feel rather ahead of myself, despite the story itself not really going anywhere. But, whether or not it works, doesn't matter, as because I am the writer I may elect to ignore any piece of it I don't think wo...

Stage 3b: Plethora!!

Burnout? I didn't think I would be saying that word so soon this month. So I decided that I haven't, not out loud anyways. I don't think...  But who cares, burnout is just the temporary writers block for NaNoWriMo and I really  don't expect ANY of this to make sense but frankly I don't care.  I feel pretty today and right now, so that has upped my mood. And a very long and very good phone conversation happened today so I am actually feeling GREAT. :D Lots of emoji's in the future with this post because of raisins. (Note: I say raisins out loud a lot instead of reasons so I figured I'd just start typing it)  Also.. I need to close the blinds, as it has gotten dark out and I want to turn on lamps. So in the meantime, writing. Is not probably going to be getting done, or if it does than it will most likely be nonsense! :D Isn't that great! Also, a good way to help your NaNoWriMo word count (if you are truly and completely out of ideas and exhaustedly ...

Stage 3: Day one, and night two

 So yesterday, and technically this morning I was writing for NaNoWriMo. And tell you what,  I got a better start than last year, for multiple reasons. However, one reason is far more important than the rest when it comes to physically writing the story because--   I've already written it. Don't yell at me yet, or at all mind you. I wrote draft one of this story about four to five years ago, and now, due to that and that four-ish years of planning and story building, I managed to get a running start of 4,531 words. Compared to last years it's not a whole lot larger of a leap, maybe 1.5k or so. But for me, that was a brilliant start. Not to mention, I completely plan on winning this year.  I finished last year with just under 29k. However I stopped writing 20 days into it. In July I wrote over 35k words, and because I reached the 35k goal, I stopped writing on day 17. This time will be different. Because I will continue to write on this story until it is finished...

Star Wars

 So for the past short while, or I should say since last night, I've had the Imperial March going through my head. Which as far as I'm concerned, it could be far worse!  I'm currently doing a Star Wars marathon, last night was episode IV A New Hope. Also the fourth one to be watched. So it's been going chronologically, story wise that is, not release date. I don't remember ever not  knowing the plot and story of Star Wars. Even at age three with my family I still remember watching it, and somehow knowing how the whole story went. But just because you might know how these stories go, doesn't mean you don't get excited every time you watch them!  Star Wars is a very special thing to my family, some of it's members were there when it first came out. And I grew up with it, as I said before. So ever since I had one of those plastic, pull-the-button and swing the toy so the blade comes out lightsabers, I've always wanted to find another kind that looked...

Party Bash

 Last night's halloween bash was one of the most exciting halloween parties I have ever been too. And probably the only one with dancing.  Well, to start off with it all, when I got there I thought I was the only one in costume (there's about 40-50 people there) and so my parents decided to walk with me. On the way to the building, a group of teens that usually hang outside before Wednesday night service saw my costume and were essentially, "She beat you!"  Another pirate, his costume was simple, but easily a more practical costume. Mine was very complicated because I love to accessorize. So we had a moment of pirate appreciation. Then the self proclaimed, "little dead-riding hood" a girl who wasn't really sure what she was supposed to be and she needed a name, said I had outdone him. So pretty much throughout the night it was either, pirate's stick together, or pirate's rivalry.  And one of my friend's, and her boyfriend were a rather s...

Costume Planning!

 *sung to the tune of an operetta.*  So today is a day. And for some things it is THE day. The day I have sent in an essay to school, and also the day I plan a simply fantastic costume for a youth party.. totally going to try and cream the costume competition with mine.  The verdict on what I am going to be, thanks to some friends over on NaNoWriMo, and my mom, is this-- Steampunk Pirate I'M SO EXCITED! I am mixing two of my favorite things together and I hadn't thought of this before!? Thankfully my mom is very supportive of my costuming, and in her words the best I can recall them, was essentially this--  "Honey, you're gonna let them know that this is your stage." :D I love my mom. Totally fine with me attempting to cream the costume competition. Granted I have no clue what the other's costumes are going to be like, since how I've never been here before... and I cant find pictures of any previous costumes they might have come up with.......


Someone has asked, "what does it mean to guard your heart?" And although while the answer is in a way simple. It is so vastly complicated inside. Because your heart, is no simple thing. There is no one answer, because nothing is a one size fits all in any kind of situation. There will always be differences. No matter how similar some things may seem.  Guarding your heart is a process, and in many situations painful. Though one step of guarding it, is by being aware. Aware of the things that you expose yourself to, and pour into your spirit. Because although we may not always realize it, many things we do can unwittingly harm us. Not always a big wave, though those have tendencies to be easier to see, and at times; though hard, more quickly dealt with.  It's the slow ones. The ones that trickle in slowly, so slowly you don't see it or notice it until you're in up to your ankles. Then you're stumbling around trying to find where it's coming it, all the whi...

Stage 2c: Backtracking, and re-retracking

 So at the last week of October, I have changed my nano novel for this year.  *collective mental gasp because nobody really freaks out in real life at the computer except me*  I had a lot of time to mull things over, and some talk time with God about things, and it came down to finally working on writing a novel that I began years ago. So although I will not be posting anything of it, or from it, publicly, I will still probably be vague in my ramblings about it and just story writing in general. However, I feel that it's time.   I'd been waiting on the story, when in reality the story had been waiting on me. It's time for me to begin. To start the novel off from page one like I had intended from the very beginning. However. I am throwing out the window nearly all of my new ideas that have occurred in the past year for this book. The reason? They are not what this story is, and they aren't for it. The ideas may have been good in their own way, but they are not fo...

Gift Giving

 Who has ever been stumped for getting a gift?  *raises hand while rubbing forehead.*  I have finally come to a solution for myself as to what to give to my surprisingly large amount of friends, and it costs almost nothing. And I am actually giving them something. Paper. With paint on it. And pen. And ink. I'm painting them all a little portrait of themselves in a photo of my choosing. So yeah if they don't like it, than they really shouldn't post the photo. Because I use what I can! For some I'm using graduation photo shoots for inspiration, others I'm finding pictures that I know they either really liked, or looked fabulous in. And hopefully those last two things coincide. That also means I'll probably have to find a way to look on instagram without me actually getting an account because I don't like it.  But my friends do and that's where 97% of all their photos go to. I'd post some of the artwork, but since how it...

Costumes & Essay writing: An inside look at the thoughts and life of a Christian Blogger

 Yes, a lengthly title. But before I scare you too far off with such a claim, hear this--I am a Christian, yet I dress up during halloween.  Some seem to think that because of my Christianity, that I would abhor the things which halloween stands for. Well let's get one thing crystal clear.  I do not partake in the rituals and things that have been known to occur during halloween. I am by no means opposed to those who simply wish to dress up, and go house to house for candy. On the contrary, I love to dress up, because let's be honest here-DRESSING UP IS FUN!  I seem to always have a number of costumes planned every year, yet I always manage to pair down to at least two. Because weather is a variable that nobody can fully account for. So now I always have one costume planned for if it is cold, and one for warmer temperatures. Yet if the forecast right now is anything reliable to go by, I will be falling back to my colder weather costume. This is the line up at the...

Proud to be a Hufflepuff

I enjoy being a Hufflepuff. Because it means I am not solely defined by either my intelligence, my courage, or my wit and cunning. It means I possess more than those three qualities alone could ever give me. H u f fl e p u f f a n d P r o u d

Candy Store

  Sometimes I wonder about my blog. It used to have a completely different look. But, I do know that when I came back to it again, I had one thing in mind. Cheery  I knew that I wa nted to have something cheerful. So I thought- what's more cheerful than a candy store? I went into a candy store a short while ago-and by a while ago I mean more like a bit over a year ago-and honestly, I couldn't think of a more charming place!  So when making a blog, often times I will never leave a blog on the preset settings of any given theme. The colours, the typeface, the layout, and any other small formatting options I might have available.  The colours I like to have in a nice complimenting set. However, using colours such as yellow, red, and maybe some green, tend to throw me off when on a blog. Softer colours such as a blue, with pink and red, is a bit more easier on the eye.  The typeface to me needs to be smooth, and nothing to extreme. Fonts such as Zap...

Well I never

I do believe it has been quite a little while since I last did a word of the day. And actually, originally I had intended to do that on the days I felt that I did not have anything in particular to write. However, on a galavant through my thesaurus just a bit ago, I found quite an interesting word.  I was curious, after reading a word I hadn't heard in a while, what-if any-synonyms existed for such a word, as satire.  Lo and behold I came across one in particular that caught my eye. Not necessarily due to it's meaning, but more it's pronunciation. Have you ever, in your readings-heard the word lampoon? Lampoon: to publicly criticize someone or something by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm. I have to admit that I in all my time so far, have never heard this word before. And rather, if it meant something else I might be compelled to say it in conversation. If only just to hear it's rather odd pronunciation!

No longer

You know what's something that I don't say anymore? "I don't like my artwork." You know why? Because it's not true. Often times it has been said because the piece that I was drawing didn't turn out like I had originally planned. But that's okay, because it just means that I need to get better. And you can always get better. But just because something didn't turn out the way you had envisioned in your head doesn't mean that you're not a good artist. (And it's artist not drawer. A drawer is what a dresser is made of, and artist is someone who draws. Please do not make this mistake, as it tends to be rather infuriating to some... myself included.) So why is it that so many people seem to loath their own artwork? Because it's not what they had planned when they began. Or it's not going the way they had wanted because they couldn't figure something out. I cant tell you how many times I had been there, because I lost ...

And take that!

 I did it! I completed Earth Science, and with a passing grade! (That's always nice) And with that, a virtual celebratory tea is in order. So help yourselves! *I do not own these photos.


 So here I am sitting in my living room working on science, whilst sitting in a warm robe that looks like it was designed after the Victorian era of fashion. And in a lovely cranberry wine color as well. Needless to say, the combination of the two, and the very soon to be added third element of tea, is making me feel like I am in the 1900's to 1910's as far as the realm of education and living goes.

We'll see about that!

So it has recently come to my attention that a graduation date had been pushed back by a fair amount of time.. due to both me not doing as much school work as I could, and a lack of wanting to complete said schoolwork due to conflicting mind sets.  However. As a graduation date has been set back, my first verbal response was, "We'll see about that."  And to keep up with that challenge accepted mind set, I have now already done at least two days worth of school that I would have done on a normal day, all before lunch. And I don't plan on slowing down, unless it is to eat, in that case I don't really want to be reading about astronomy while eating ramen. (I eat like a stereotypical college student, what a surprise.)  So that being said. I may or may not do all that well during NaNoWriMo this year, but that doesn't mean I wont try my best. And although I had been offered by a friend do join in a competition, I fear that with what life is right now, simply wr...

A satisfactory Monday

 I have never had such a nice Monday! Not that I can remember, specifically as a Monday that is. I finished another Hardy Boys book! I earned money today. I painted again! Felt surprisingly great when I came home and decided to just relax. And awesome friends, both online and in real life. Kitties that jump up on my lap when I go outside on the porch. Wishing it was my kitty. And that in a quick summary, is my Monday. Have a fabulous week my friends!

Nomination, Renomination, and Trinomination?

Okay. So for the sake of answering some awesome questions. I am writing another nomination blog post, because my friends are awesome, and deserve recognition.  I have thus been nominated again by Rose, at . And Freckles, at .  And without further ado. From Rose:  Thank you for nominating me! I love answering questions, (even though sometimes my answers aren't always satisfactory to some people, I get a weird enjoyment of playing with words.) So here's her questions to me. 1 - Favorite book/series? What  specific things about it do you like?   I have several. But if I had to pick an overall favorite. Chronicles of Narnia. I love everything about it, I believe in it to, I don't doubt that some day I will find it. 2 - How old are you? What is your favorite age?  I am the age that I am. And my favorite age is all the ages I have been.     3 - And, (copying Leila here...


People say they were born in the wrong generation. And for some reason, this has begun to bug me. Not because I haven't thought that before, on the contrary, I have said that more than once in my life. But now. I see it in a different light. Because in the end, it sounds like an escape, and that's what it is half the time. A small wish to escape into a different life. But I have decided one thing. I will make my life what I want it to be, and the kind I have dreamed of living. I am the Dreamer. Just ask the Chriteno's. I make my way, though at times I freak out, and don't know what to dot. I get up and keep going. Prayer, strength. And the unwillingness to give up. I have given up before. And I'll say this. And I apologize in advance.  Giving up feels like crap. Giving up is something I never will admit to again. I did it once, and I felt like things got ten times worse. So I'll say this. I'm glad I was born when I was. And not a day sooner. Because I ca...

Virtual Tea

 Just a day on the NaNoWriMo forums having virtual tea... .. when the world literally ends apparently. Being in on some of the character rp-ing is sometimes a good thing, however I'm wondering if maybe I should stay out of this one that caused a good 5 pages of a forum to appear in a matter of minutes.

Stage 2: Starting it up

It's about time NaNoWriMo!! The website has been rebooted and I've made my nano novel for this year! Stage two of starting up the process has begun. And although I plan to do this as it goes, which means not really have any prior planning, stage two is not going to have a whole lot in it. But expect many (or next to none) reports on the ongoing's of stage three; campaign.

Stage 1d: It's evident

It's evident that I am now blogging this much solely for the fact that NaNoWriMo is not up yet. However. I have managed to start painting my pumpkin for outside my door, not to mention spending some time in the sun outside... ... that part is more unusual than anything else at the moment.. being outside, not necessarily the sun part. Though we've had a week of almost nonstop rain, so the warmth is a welcome thing.

Stage 1c: Lunchtime

So. While still half stalking the NaNoWriMo twitter feed, I have managed to eat a chocolate covered banana, but before that I pranced around the house listening to Mission Impossible cover by Lindsey Stirling and the Piano Guys while using the banana as a weapon.  Now I'm watching Dark Matter, still stalking the twitter feed... .. and looking for more lunch.

Stage 1b: Impatient waiting

One problem I do have, is waiting impatiently for something that I am extremely excited for. And that just so happens to be the reboot of the NaNoWriMo website. Although I am rather... often.. reloading the page to see any progress, I remain watching the twitter feed that it is conveniently replaced with. So until then, studies are in order.  Though I have to say... I'd rather just be procrastinating and waiting for the website to reboot.

Stage 1: Down for Maintenance

 Going to refresh my NaNoWriMo user and forum page, when lo and behold- -We're temporarily down for maintenance! So thus, it has begun. The resetting and wiping/archiving of the forums, and the setting up of the website so that all users can create new novels, is in the cyber air. Updates will follow as my access to my account does.

Well that was anticlimactic.

 After an apparent misunderstanding of a statement made on NaNoWriMo, nearly the entire Chriteno thread had prepared itself for a farewell on the night of October 4th. However, we log on this morning, only to realize- -it's still there?  Staying up late and expecting it to be gone the next time we log on, provides for an interesting reaction when you do long on, and see it's still there. That being said.  I stayed up till 3am last night, but not on the NaNoWriMo website. No, I stayed up late reading after deciding at 1am that I needed to go to bed, and at 12:50 decided it was finally time to get off the xbox. (Not to mention playing Final Fantasy Tactics on the PlayStation earlier)  But the only thing that seems to be disappointing me, is the fact that I cannot yet create my new NaNoWriMo novel. It's a bit dismaying to become excited to create a novel you know absolutely nothing about. Because this year I'm pantsing my novel. This past July I planned one, and t...


People will say it's one time in one place, and another in another. But in all reality, it's not. It's the same time everywhere. A six o'clock is another one's four, yet both occur at the same moment. Both are in fact the same time. It is we who have given a name to the moments of the day, only to part the world away in saying that neither happen twice. Your six is not my six, your twelve is not my twelve. Yet my five may very well be your eight. Would you care to explain? No. It does not need it. For time is in fact, I think, at most times, irrelevant, at least where time keeping is concerned. Can you measure the time it takes for someone to realize something, or how long until someone's mind clicks together the pieces. No. You could try, but you know not. You don't know how long it takes, because no ones time is the same. The time you spend is not the same for others, for while you spend a sunrise with them, have they spent the day? The mind is a curious t...

My mind is a time piece

 I'm always ticking. Always thinking. Forever keeping track and keeping time, determining how long until something, and how much longer until the next thing. I'm always thinking about how long until the next ten minutes, the next half hour, the next hour. Until supper time. Until it's considered time to get on the computer. How many minutes of something I can watch until I need to get off the computer and back to something else. It's all a muddle of time keeping and somethings. But it's not like something I can turn off. Everything is only a matter of minutes until something else. My mind is like a clock that is always calculating how long something will be until something else. All in a matter of relevance to each other. yet somehow, it all makes perfect sense. Everything is relative to each other, and everything is relative to an opinion. Opinions, also relative, are all determined by relativity are they not? It's strange how things that are relative are also ...


 It has officially been Autumn for a grand total of 10 days. And we have not had a break in either the rain, clouds, or cold in that time. All I can say to that is..  Seriously Nature!? I am not ready for 50- Alright what does it mean if you sneeze, and only half a second later both police, and fire truck sirens start blazing away- degree and under, weather. It's October, yes. But last week it was still in the high 60's to mid 70's. HONESTLY WEATHER. What are you thinking?  That being said and ranted over. I have all but finished planning for my halloween costume this year, but have yet to go and buy the things I need. As I am going to be a deer, I got inspiration from other people's costumes, and have decided to make a flower crown with small antlers, or ears. I have yet to finish deciding on that. But I will be giving myself a tail, but the rest of the costume with simply be floral and lace themed. Along with a small bit of face paint/makeup to finish the look....

Phrase of the Day

Rose Coloured Glasses : Seeing things in a better light than they really are. *I do not own this photo.

Collaborative Jokes are the best

Collaborative Dad Jokes. Mom- I don't feel like salad when it's this kind of weather. Me- I don't feel like a salad either. Dad- *rubs arm* No, no you don't.


 October has come and that means many things. 1) I can no longer sit comfortably in my house without a sweater on. 2) I should probably actually buy decent slippers. 3) Rain. Nonstop rain. For weeks now. Not yet, but it'll come, it always does. 4) It's pretty much impossible to wake up early with the above mentioned weather. 5) Costume making because I love to make costumes for halloween. Even though I will only be handing out candy this year because of... weather . 6) A month away from November which will lead right into. NaNoWriMo. Along with my insane plan to try and multitask two stories. Which means trying to reach a word count goal for one, and edit the other. (Edit-translation-completely rewrite.)  Now, also because I'm stuck indoors, not by choice but by common sense with this really sucky part of Autumn, I now am deciding to get to all those random mishmash of art projects I've been wanting to do. Whether it be painting, writing, drawing, who knows. I d...

Blog Award

My friend's Sarah and Katie have nominated me for a blogging award! Thank you two so much! Here's their blog for you all to check out - Sister Projects   Here are the award rules , copied from her blog 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog. 2. Answer the questions that the blogger who nominated you has provided. 3. Nominate four other bloggers. 4. Create ten questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination. (I'm breaking this rule a bit - I 'll ask just three questions rather than ten.) And if I n ominate you, you do not need to participate, but I do think you r blog is amazing! Sarah and Katie 's questions for me : 1. Who inspires you? You can name anyone - someone you know personally, a historical or literary figure, a world leader, a celebrity... absolutely anyone that pops into your head.  Answer - I would have to say Audrey Hepburn, she has always been an inspiration to me in so many ways. Whether ...